Wow. I mean, wow. It's really none of your business because it has no effect on you. I got my first tattoo at 18. I'm 47 now, still getting them, and I love my body art. A lot of thought went into them and it's how I want to look. And you just don't want to look at them? There are plenty of people who make wardrobe, makeup, or hairstyle choices that I'd rather not look at, but they're not the choices for my body and it's none of my business. Tattooed does not equal blemished. Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it weird or bad. (Showing off a penis tattoo is public is gross though, the one point on which I agree with you.) I'm planning my next one at the moment. You do you and don't judge people on whether or not they have tattoos. You don't like them? Don't get one. Yikes.