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High School Reunion?
There’s a Bruce Springsteen song that I love called, “Glory Days”. It’s about a guy who meets up with people from his past and they talk about their glory days, back when life was exciting, before it got too real with responsibilities. It’s a great song, and I don’t doubt that most of us have times in our lives when we felt that way. For some, their glory days happened in high school. Mine did not.
Not long ago, I saw an announcement on social media about my 30th (ulp!) high school reunion. I only saw it by chance since it was on another page that popped up on my news feed. I don’t subscribe to any of the old high school groups so I stay pretty well hidden. I haven’t had contact with most of the people in my graduating class since, well, actually graduating and I rather like it that way.
I’m already in contact with many of the people from high school that I want to keep relationships with. There are a few that I wouldn’t mind seeing again to see how they’re doing. Not that they were best friends or anything, but we belonged to the same groups and they were nice people, but I really don’t want to risk going to a high school reunion just to see if they’d show up.
Our graduating class was relatively small, just over 200 students, so I knew almost everyone. I was definitely not a popular kid, though. I wasn’t on cheerleading or…